Issue Position: Fighting Obamacare

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2010

I believe the federal healthcare legislation is unconstitutional and we should start over again on federal healthcare reform. For that reason, I have joined with 20 other states in suing the federal government to have the law found unconstitutional.

Arizona cannot afford the unfunded mandates imposed by Obamacare. For example, the federal government has imposed mandates in our AHCCCS program for the indigent and shorted us $150 this budget year and $1 billion next year and in 2013.

It is ironic to me that the federal government is not fulfilling its current commitments and keeps on piling on new ones without any guarantee of increasing coverage or improving quality or affordability. For example, the federal government has not reimbursed our hospital for emergency health care services they provide illegal immigrants under Section 1011 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act.
