Issue Position: Federal Spending

Issue Position

Getting Federal Spending Under Control

Even as American families are struggling to meet their family budgets, they see increasing federal spending in Washington that has led to exploding deficits and a debt burden that threatens to cripple future generations and imperil our standard of living. Our accumulated debt is now more than $12 trillion and, if current trends continue, that debt will double in five years and triple in ten years relative to 2008.

* Tom has fought against this uncontrolled spending, both in the current Congress and in years past.

* Voted against the Wall Street Bailout (TARP) bill -- twice -- in 2008.

* Tom opposed the $787 billion stimulus bill in 2009 which did little to promote real private-sector job creation and reduce unemployment. Instead of targeted short-term spending, there was too much supplementing of existing government programs which will permanently inflate budgets.

* Opposed the government takeover of our domestic auto industry.

* Voted against the new $1 trillion health care law.

* Cosponsor of the federal Balanced Budget Amendment.

* Consistently votes against annual spending bills which include excessive spending increases and votes for amendments to reduce spending -- including across-the-board cuts in agency budgets.

* Supports caps on discretionary spending to promote fiscal discipline.

* Supports pay-go as a means of deficit reduction, favoring spending reduction over tax increases, to be sure spending is paid for.

* Cosponsor of legislation to bring greater transparency to the earmarking process.
