Party Affiliation


Date: Sept. 14, 2010

I understand what you're saying Buddy. I don't believe the Country was founded on accepting the choices given to them and I don't believe it was a majority that started this country. The debates to not accept what others chose for them leading to a determination to see it through at all costs was the basis for this Country. Armed conflict becoming the result. I believe the country is very close to becoming a communist country with a ruling party elite that is already in place. You're strong views are mirrored by the other side of the aisle. The other side of the ruling party elite.

This type of debate, I believe is exactly what is needed. We will have to decide if we will accept the choices given to us or make our own choices. My campaign slogan is from Benjamin Franklin. They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security. I believe this simply means that to compromise your principles and you will lose it all. We can continue to compromise with the party or we can stand against party control. Of all the parts of our Constitutionally limited Government, political party control is not one of them.

Just for the sake of accuracy my party affiliation is the Florida Whig Party. But I am happy to work with and debate persons from any party or no party at all.
