Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Privatization of programs funded by the state is a favorite goal of Republicans. One of the worst things Republicans tried to do this year was force every Medicaid patient in the state into an HMO. Under the guise of better oversight and less fraud, they tried to privatize Medicaid, which is close to a quarter of the state's budget.

It was a state-sponsored creation of a for-profit middleman to manage tax dollars involving moderate to low income citizens of our state. It was a terrible deal for Medicaid patients. The legislation failed in the end and I will continue to fight against such plans.

I will also continue to fight against funding cuts to some of our most vulnerable treated in nursing homes and hospitals. Similar efforts also needed for preventive health care programs for pregnant women and infants such as Healthy Start and Healthy Familes.
