Issue Position: Economy

Issue Position

Strong diversified Alaska economy that will create sustainable, productive jobs in the private sector.

Since Gold Rush days, Alaska has experienced multiple cycles of economic boom and bust. Currently we are very dependent on the oil industry and government, and I expect that relationship to continue.

As those of uis who were here BEFORE the pipeline can attest, oil development has dramatically improved the lifestyle of most Alaskans.

Currently our State addresses economic planning just two years at a time. That horizon is probably too short to adequately address long-term constitutional mandates such as education and retirement obligations. For budgeting and resource development we need to extend our planning vision. The Legislature also needs to take a hard look at what services are within the State's role and what are best provided by the private sector.

Economic stability and sustainability can also be fostered with a more diverse economy. The best way to promote diversity is to encourage entrepreneurs. Some states, notably Wyoming, have successfully fostered new business start-ups by creating business, research and education partnerships between government and private enterprise. Other partnerships provide mentoring opportunities that capture the imagination and productivity of students. I favor a similar approach that encourages innovation and fosters business diversity, the sparkplugs of a sustainable economic engine.
