Blog: Time to Pay the Piper


This week, President Obama signed a bill, adding tens of billions to the national debt, further extending unemployment benefits. How serious can the Obama administration, Jason Altmire, and their liberal Democrat cohorts be about cutting the deficit when they refuse to pay for this $34 billion expenditure out of a nearly $3.8 trillion proposed budget? Perhaps they are simply incapable of cutting an extremely bloated budget by less than 1%--a budget they've increased by more than 22% since Bush left office? Is this a party we should trust with control of the purse strings?

Recall that in November of last year, after signing the previous unemployment benefits extension, Obama said: "Now, it's important to note that the bill I signed will not add to our deficit. It is fully paid for, and so it is fiscally responsible." Apparently, he's acknowledging that yesterday's extension is not fiscally responsible. Just more hypocrisy on spending from Altmire and the "do as I say, not as I do' Democrats.
