Issue Position: Providing a World Class Education for Our Children

Issue Position

John Lamping believes that we must provide our children an education that allows them the opportunity to compete and succeed at any level.

As the father of six children who attend public schools John understands the need for adequate funding of our school districts. He will fight to protect local control, work to ensure we receive our fair share of funding from state bureaucrats, and work to see that more of our tax dollars make it to the classroom.

In tight budgets, rather than cut back on the use of state jets, perks, bonuses and special interest spending, politicians withhold money that was promised to our local schools. That causes unfair cuts to programs that impact the quality of our children's education. John will fight to bar the Governor from using withholdings from local schools to balance the budget.

He will also work to prevent funding cuts for vocational schools and community colleges and to increase funding for job retraining programs, especially in areas of technology training.
