Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

I believe that education is the single most important factor in determining individual achievement and our collective success as a country. We must reform education, improve student achievement, and train and recruit the best and brightest teachers.

Reforming education begins with:

* Revamping the No Child Left Behind Act by replacing an inflexible, cookie-cutter system with a more effective approach that uses multiple measures of performance to gauge teacher dedication, school quality, and student improvement.
* Supporting vocational training programs to provide non-college bound students with the skills to enter and compete in the workplace and secure a job.
* Improving access to higher education, which is why I support a permanent college tax credit for middle-class families who are struggling with high tuition costs.
* Training and recruiting the best and brightest teachers.
* Creating a culture of education within the family unit by encouraging parental responsibility and promoting parental involvement.
