Issue Position: State Employees

Issue Position

Hugh will be an energetic spokesman for fair and equitable treatment in setting compensation, benefits and working conditions of state employees. He'll demand that the new error-prone Beacon payment system be promptly corrected or, if not, replaced. Before new budgetary commitments are made, the state should recognize a moral obligation to first consider its financial responsibilities to its existing employees. Such responsibilities should include immediate attention to the overwhelming deficit in the state health plan. It means full repayment of funds diverted from the state employees' and teachers' retirement trust fund by the present Raleigh leadership. He'll be a constant champion for new leadership and oversight by the legislature to enhance our state institutions and correct problems caused by failed mental health reforms, by inadequate staffing and funding, and by poor management from Raleigh. Hugh will work tirelessly for proper maintenance and to address unmet construction and renovation needs at state facilities in Burke County.
