Resolution of Disapproval of EPA Rule--Motion to Proceed

Floor Speech

Date: June 10, 2010
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I will oppose the resolution. The resolution of disapproval before us reminds me of a skills competition for young people that has been promoted by the National Football League. It is called Punt, Pass, and Kick. The resolution is an engraved invitation for the Senate to make a big league handoff of a basketful of illness, economic stalemate, and environmental pollution to our children and grandchildren.

It would punt away constructive action to begin addressing many threats that each and every American faces from climate change, and the threats we face every day to our national security.

It would pass on opportunities to foster cleaner air and water for us and for the generations that will follow us. It would kick away the progress already negotiated by the Obama administration and key industries, such as automobile and truck manufacturers, to usher in new products that would pollute less while creating good American jobs--jobs that cannot be sent overseas, jobs we need in America.

Many on the other side of the aisle have been adamant in trying to wish these problems away and to forfeit the economic opportunities at our fingertips to lead the world in these new energy technologies. Powerful corporate interests are more than glad to contribute to these efforts to stalemate any progress.

What we are debating today is whether business as usual is good enough for the environmental challenges and economic opportunities that are already before us. We are being asked to overturn with a political veto the strong scientific evidence that points to a healthier future. We are being asked to undermine America's ability to clean up our air and our waters.

The science is clear that greenhouse gases are a danger, and they are a clear and present health and economic threat to the American people.

At a time when our Nation is responding to our worst environmental catastrophe of all time and oil continues to gush into the Gulf of Mexico, passing this resolution would be the Senate's way of saying: Nothing has changed; nothing should change. I disagree. It is a declaration of our intent to keep relying on the outdated, dirty, and inefficient technologies of the past, and to let every other industrialized country create jobs in their countries, leap ahead of us in developing and selling these new technologies. I disagree with that. This is another proposed bailout of big polluters.

I do not think this is the path we want to chart for our children and our Nation. A decade from now, will we be able to look back at this vote and not be ashamed of ourselves? EPA's findings are based on sound science and an exhaustive review of scientific research. Let's not the 100 of us cast a political vote to overturn that.

Much of what the special interests and big oil and their lobbyists have been saying in favor of this resolution is steeped in politics and mistruths, not in science. What we have here is the Environmental Protection Agency focused on protecting the American people, whether it is arsenic in our drinking water, smog in the air, mercury in the fish we eat, or greenhouse gases. Overturning these findings would be like trying to overturn science. You don't do it.

If we pass this resolution, it is not a case of hurting the economy. Quite the opposite. The resolution will hurt the economy by causing the American people to forfeit a third of the greenhouse gas emissions reductions that are projected to come from last year's historic agreement.

Do not overturn the EPA findings. Do not force our Nation's already struggling automakers to spend even more money to produce more fuel-efficient cars because a dozen States, such as Vermont and California, could then go forward, each with their own rules and standards.

Let us not be known as the Congress to continue to punt, pass, and kick on these crucial issues about which the American people are looking for solutions.

