Issue Position: Tax Reform

Issue Position


Most Americans believe Washington is confiscating too much of their hard earned money. Martha agrees. Americans are overtaxed and the burden the federal tax system places on families and businesses is unfair, requiring them to work harder for their money, yet taking home less and less of it in their paychecks.

In Congress, Martha will fight to lower taxes just as she has done for six years on the Montgomery City Council. She believes the current tax code is in desperate need of sweeping reform and she is willing to examine any number of proposals that will lower the tax burden on America's working families. Congress should streamline the way Americans pay taxes and Martha knows a better way is to eliminate the current tax structure and reduce the federal bureaucracy needed to enforce the existing tax code by abolishing the IRS as we know it.

In Washington, Martha will work with those who support tax reform, focus on tax simplification and fairness and replace the entire system so those that pay taxes will keep more of what they make and not send it to Washington to finance reckless fiscal policies.
