Puerto Rico Democracy Act Of 2009

Floor Speech

Date: April 29, 2010
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Chair, I rise in strong support of H.R. 2499, the Puerto Rico Democracy Act.

Puerto Rico is home to nearly 4 million Americans.

It has been a U.S. territory for 112 years and its residents have been U.S. citizens since 1917.

Puerto Ricans have contributed much to the basic fabric of this country in times of peace and war.

Its residents have served as high government officials and leaders from all walks of life.

More than one million Puerto Ricans live in my home state of New York, and according to the latest numbers, more than 60,000 live in my congressional district.

I am, therefore, proud to call myself a cosponsor of the bipartisan Puerto Rico Democracy Act.

I know that the question of the status of Puerto Rico has been difficult for many years, but that is precisely why we must address it today.

Under the current status, residents of Puerto Rico are bound by federal law, but cannot vote for president and do not have voting representation in Congress.

Since joining the American family over a century ago, the Island's residents have never been given the opportunity to express their views--in the context of a fair and orderly vote sponsored by Congress--as to whether Puerto Rico should remain a U.S. territory or should seek a non-territorial status.

H.R. 2499 allows the government of Puerto Rico to conduct plebiscites to ask voters if they wish to maintain the current status or have a different status.

I support this bill because it finally creates a fair process to allow the people of Puerto Rico to decide their own future for themselves.

Self-determination is a basic principle of the United States, and Puerto Ricans deserve no less.

Finally, I would like to congratulate the sponsor of this bill, Mr. Pierluisi, for his excellent work, and I appreciate the efforts of members on both sides of the aisle who helped bring the Puerto Rico Democracy Act to the floor today.

I urge my colleagues to support H.R. 2499.

