Senate Amendments To H.R. 3590, Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act Of 2009, And H.R. 4872, Health Care And Education Reconciliation Act Of 2010

Floor Speech


Mr. Speaker, many things are said across the aisle in the heat of a debate, and if it hasn't been said yet, maybe the reason is it has been said by everybody.

I believe that the ranking member is an honorable person. I believe my chairman is. *.*.* Even the President of the Vietnam Veterans of America said this is shameless.

* * * It's not right. Tell the truth and then let the chips fall where it may. It is utterly *.*.* to suggest, Mr. Chairman, that we are seeking to deny any soldier the health care they deserve and the benefits that nearly all Republicans and Democrats have spent our careers in Congress working to protect and prove.

Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I ask the gentleman's words be taken down for the false statements that he made about this conference to me as an Army veteran among others in the Chamber.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gentleman from New Jersey will be seated.

The Clerk will report the words.

Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to remove any word or words that were taken as offensive.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from New Jersey?

Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. I accept the gentleman's apology.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, the words will be stricken.

There was no objection.

Mr. PASCRELL. Don't push me.

