A Congress That Governs In Secrecy And Arrogance Will Not Govern Long

Date: March 17, 2010
Location: Washington, DC

The American people will see to that

Isn't this troubling? Eight out of ten Americans now believe Congress governs without the consent of the governed.

The Democratic Congress and White House simply aren't listening.

Americans oppose this two trillion dollar takeover of health care - but Democrats are ramming it through over the public's objections.

Americans oppose the tax increases, mandates, deficits, Medicare cuts and government interference in their most intimate health care decisions -- but House Democrats arrogantly claim they know what's best for you.

Americans want open, honest government, but Democrats are cutting back room deals, pressuring members of Congress, proclaiming bills passed without a vote of the House - all to circumvent the will of the American people.

Americans want Washington to start over immediately, to go back to the basics, to have a step-by-step bi-partisan bill that focuses first on lowering health care costs. So Madame Speaker, why aren't you listening?

Know this: A Congress that governs in secrecy and arrogance will not govern long. The American people will see to that.
