Issue Position: Job Creation

Issue Position

Job Creation Starts in Our Neighborhoods and Communities

The government's role is NOT to create jobs but rather to foster and protect an environment in which American's pursue their own entrepreneurial goals and dreams. Every day in our country, enterprising men and women wake up before dawn and work until well past dark to grow their businesses and expand their opportunities.

Our country's economic recovery will come from their hard work, their inspirations, and the risks they take to make their businesses run better than a competitor.

On all accounts, this Administration and Congress has failed these hard working Americans and now, millions of their employees, our friends, and neighbors have been affected. Instead of hundreds of billions of dollars being spent on pork and special interest projects and programs, Congress should have:

* Slashed tax rates for those in the 10% and 15% brackets to immediately provide a $3,400 boost for families;
* Targeted small businesses for additional tax cuts and allowed them to expand Net Operating Loss tax exemptions -- this would have given them an immediate cash infusion to weather the tough economic times, make needed purchases, and prevent further layoffs;
* Extend unemployment benefits through 2009 and prevent these benefits from being taxed -- taxing unemployment benefits only adds insult to injury to the unemployed;
* Stopped bailing out failing businesses with taxpayer dollars -- it is not the role of the government to have taxpayers pay for mistakes, poor planning, and failed business models of companies.
