Smith: Dwelling On Photos Doesn't Serve America

Date: May 11, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

Smith: Dwelling On Photos Doesn't Serve America

Rep. Smith today released the following statement regarding Iraqi prisoners of war:

"Apparently, there are thousands of pictures of the abusive behavior. Each new picture standing alone is likely to be at least as bad as the last. But it doesn't serve the interests of America, the interests of the men and women courageously fighting the war on terrorism, or even the interests of those facing charges for the alleged abuses to continue to dwell on how awful these images are.

"These are not the true images of America or Americans. They are not the true images of our government or our Department of Defense. They are not the real images of the majority of our brave and heroic men and women putting their lives on the line for a more secure America and a more secure world.

"The actions depicted were taken by a small group of seriously misguided individuals. The Department of Defense needs to pursue its investigations of the wrongdoers and prosecute when appropriate. And the American people need to redouble their resolve to stand behind our fighting men and women in thought and prayer."

Rep. Smith is a member of the House Judiciary Committee and the Select Committee on Homeland Security. He was Chairman of the House Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security Subcommittee that initially approved the PATRIOT Act.
