Jobs For Main Street Act, 2010

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 16, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Jobs For Main Street Act, 2010


Mr. CANTOR. I thank the gentleman from California.

Madam Speaker, Winston Churchill once said that, ``All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.''

Today it is apparent that Congress has not learned anything. The bill on the floor today is just another round of spending that doubles down the failure of last February's so-called stimulus plan while ballooning the deficit.

The first stimulus plan and bill failed to hold down unemployment, but it successfully increased our reliance on borrowed money. Worse, a lot of the money designated for infrastructure, those shovel-ready projects we all heard about, hasn't even gotten out of Washington yet. Why is it still here if it was designed to create jobs?

Sadly, pouring billions into the very same programs will meet a similar dismal fate. Just as bad, this legislation continues to fall hopelessly short of providing real relief to small businesses so they can resume hiring, investing, and expanding.

Now is not the time to spend an additional $150 billion we don't have. It's time to come together to ease the burden on small businesses and to start giving them a sense of certainty so they can go about the business of creating jobs and prosperity.

Madam Speaker, I urge a ``no'' vote on this so-called ``jobs'' bill.

