American Plan Vs. Democrat Plan

Floor Speech

American Plan Vs. Democrat Plan

Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California. Mr. Speaker, on health care reform, we hear too much about Democrats versus Republicans. I would like to talk about the American plan versus the Democratic plan.

The American plan stands for transparency; the Democratic plan, secret agreements behind closed doors. The American plan: True, free competition; the Democratic plan: Government-controlled health care. The American plan: Medicare Advantage; the Democratic plan: Massive cuts in Medicare. The American plan: The primacy of the doctor-patient relationship; the Democratic plan: Government-determined courses of treatment.

In other words, the American plan stands for freedom. Unfortunately, the Democratic plan stands for government-imposed conformity.

We should listen to what the American people say, that's the American plan. Ignoring what the American people are saying is the Democrat plan.
