Statement From Congressman Joe Sestak


Date: Feb. 24, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

Statement From Congressman Joe Sestak

“Tonight, President Obama made the case for boldness and bipartisanship to overcome our extraordinary economic challenges. We must – and will – work together as Americans to repair and rebuild our economic system. To do so we must reestablish the trust and confidence in our financial markets that has been so severely compromised. Central to that process is requiring new levels of accountability and transparency in finance, health care, energy, education and national security. We are Americans, and we will reach new heights of security, prosperity and innovation if we stand together in this difficult time. Our children and our parents are counting on us to undertake the hard work, and make the tough choices, necessary to protect their future. Just as Americans came together to prevail in the Great Depression, defeat the forces of fascism, communism and terrorism, so too can we again lead the world to unprecedented advances in science, industry, agriculture and education – if we chose now to create a society that is again fair, honest and accountable.”
