Where are the Jobs?

Date: July 21, 2009
Location: Washington, DC

WHERE ARE THE JOBS? -- (House of Representatives - July 21, 2009)


Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, around the country, more and more Americans are out of work, struggling to pay their bills. Yesterday, the Web site recovery.gov revealed that your government spent $1.2 million to purchase pork at twice what struggling families would pay at a local grocery store. It would be funny if it weren't so painful.

The $787 billion stimulus was sold to the American people as a bill that would put people back to work. But now we see it for what it really is, a massive expansion of social welfare which is doing nothing to create jobs.

Where are the jobs? Almost 6 months have passed since the stimulus was signed into law, and unemployment continues to tick upward. It is over 13 percent in my congressional district. The so-called ``stimulus'' was a missed opportunity to provide true tax relief to the American people and for shovel-ready infrastructure projects that would have provided jobs. As more information on this stimulus package is revealed, I'm sure more terrifying news will be before us.

