Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2010

Floor Speech

Date: June 19, 2009
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LEWIS of California. I appreciate very much my colleague's yielding.

Madam Speaker, I rise to say just a few things about the way these two people are working together. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and my friend Robert Aderholt have done a fabulous job on this bill. Not the most expensive bill of the 12 that are around but probably one of the very most important bills, for it decides whether the legislative branch works effectively or does not work effectively. I want the Members and our public to know that these two people have done a fabulous job in putting us on a course that I think makes sense.

I especially want to express my appreciation for concern about the buildings that are the places where we must work and operate the legislative branch. Those are institutions in the place that are in serious difficulty because of lack of repair, et cetera. They are on a course that will make sure that we extend their life and their service to all of our people in an effective way.

Further, the Capitol Visitor Center has been mentioned by several, but let me suggest that it's a fabulous new addition to the Capitol, but there is an institution developing there as well. We do have a way in Washington to create new bureaucracies almost no matter what, and there are those who believe that they're the only ones that know how to show off the CVC and the Capitol to our public. The long history of Members' staffs developing expertise as well and representing us well by taking our constituents through these facilities is a very important part of our process.

I want to congratulate the ranking member, but especially the gentlewoman, for language in the bill that very specifically tells those who run the CVC that this is a people's institution and the people's elected representatives ought to play the most significant role in the way it is run.

