As Iran Pushes the Envelope, President Pushes for Missile Defense Cuts


Date: May 20, 2009

As Iran Pushes the Envelope, President Pushes for Missile Defense Cuts

Congressman Tom Price (R-GA) issued the following statement in response to Iran's test of an advanced surface-to-air missile with the capability to strike Israel , southeastern Europe, and American military bases throughout the Middle East . President Obama, meanwhile, has made it a priority to cut U.S. missile defense capabilities.

"Today's launch is a stark reminder that our enemies will not be dissuaded by empty rhetoric," said Congressman Price. "Unfortunately, lofty words will do little good in protecting Americans and our allies from the very real danger of a hostile Iran. A strong, strategic missile defense system will go a long way toward preventing a constant threat of attack by rogue nations.

"President Obama must understand that our enemies will not be dissuaded from their nuclear ambitions by diplomacy alone. The President's attempts to engage and appease hostile nations have clearly failed. At every turn, countries like Iran and North Korea have flexed their muscles as the President continues to strip our capabilities to protect both our allies and American citizens. We live in a dangerous world, but the President's approach to missile defense represents the triumph of hope over reality."
