Hensarling to Blue Dogs: "Is this really what you came here to do?"


Date: March 24, 2009
Location: Washington, D.C.

Hensarling to Blue Dogs: "Is this really what you came here to do?"

Congressman Jeb Hensarling, the second highest ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, urged Blue Dog Democrats to soul search before voting for a budget that taxes too much, borrows too much and spends too much.
Video Congressman Hensarling urges Blue Dogs to "soul search" on budget

WASHINGTON, D.C. — "I would just hope that those who are a part of the Blue Dog coalition, I would hope that you would think, that you would pray, that you would soul search, that you would look yourself in the mirror; and not say can I justify voting for this budget, but is it really what I came here to do?

When I was in the majority, I fought my own leadership. It was not fun, it was not pleasant, and I didn't enjoy it. I thought they were spending too much money. In these markups when my party was in the majority, I was one of the few members who would vote for amendments from the other side of the aisle.
You have an opportunity here; I'm not going to judge you, you have to judge yourself. But there is a moment here in history that can be seized. You are the only ones that stand between us and causing this generation of Americans to be the first generation in America's history to leave the next generation with less freedom and less opportunity and a lower standard of living. I hope and pray that you choose wisely."
