Negative Campaign Ads

Date: June 2, 2004
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Elections

NEGATIVE CAMPAIGN ADS -- (House of Representatives - June 02, 2004)

(Mr. McDERMOTT asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. McDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, here we go again. Republicans cannot lead, so they attack the Democrat that will lead America. Here is the proof:

Through the last weekend, the President's campaign has aired 49,050 negative ads against JOHN KERRY, and that is just in the top 100 media markets. 49,050 times the administration has tried to mislead America about Senator Kerry; 49,050 times the administration has tried to divert America from the administration's absolutely incompetent record on the economy.

Gasoline in Washington State is $2.75 a gallon. I did not miss that because of the ads. There are countless more negative ads coming from the Republicans because they only know how to tear down, not to lead. JOHN KERRY will lead and win this election. JOHN KERRY will lead and build a stronger America. It starts on November 2.

Meanwhile, America, every time the administration turns on another ad, get up and go to the kitchen for a bag of Fritos. You will not miss a thing.

