Letter to President-elect Obama


Date: Dec. 2, 2008
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Issues: Education Energy

Letter to President-elect Obama

Gov. Heineman Shares Letter with President-elect Obama on Ways to Restore the U.S. Economy

Gov. Dave Heineman today plans to share the following letter with President-elect Obama. Gov. Heineman is one of 50 Governors and Governors-elect attending a meeting on economic issues being held at Independence Hall in Philadelphia.

Dear President-elect Obama:

Congratulations on your victory. I write you today with great hope for our country. As a fellow executive, I know you appreciate the tough challenges we face as individual states and as a nation. At the end of the day, Americans want our leaders to find common ground and common sense solutions. It is with this in mind that I humbly share a Nebraska viewpoint with you for the future of our great nation.

Americans want action to strengthen our economy. It is the most important issue and I suggest the following:

1. Create jobs, jobs and more jobs.

2. Lower taxes for all Americans with an emphasis on middle class Americans.

3. Balance the federal budget to restore financial stability.

4. Secure America's energy independence.

5. Strengthen America's education system.

First, focus your economic policies on creating jobs. Small businesses are the economic engine of America and they need lower taxes. Reward good business performance. Wall Street has failed Main Street America. It is not fair for failed CEOs to walk out the door with a multi-million dollar severance package while the average employee walks out the door without a job. When a CEO grows a company and creates jobs for Americans, we reward them with a high salary and maybe a bonus. That's fair because Americans respect good business performance.

Second, lower taxes for all Americans with an emphasis on middle class Americans. Middle class families are struggling with increased food prices, rising energy costs and soaring health care costs. Americans need tax relief and they need it right now.

Third, balancing the federal budget is essential to America's long-term financial stability. Every American family has to balance their budget. Most Governors and State Legislatures are required to balance their budgets and so should the federal government.

Fourth, secure America's energy independence by developing a comprehensive energy policy at the national level. America needs to increase our production capacity, expand alternative energies, invest in clean energy and nuclear technology, and improve our energy conservation and efficiency.

The final element to a strong economy is to strengthen America's education system. Education is the primary responsibility of state and local governments, but we need the federal government to be a full funding partner and to eliminate unfunded mandates. Fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), provide greater flexibility with the No Child Left Behind law, and remove the Maintenance of Effort Mandate (MOE) that has been placed upon states regarding higher education financing. We must prepare our young people to succeed in a knowledge based, technology driven, free market economy.

That's it in a nutshell. Create jobs. Lower taxes. Balance the budget. Secure energy independence. Strengthen our education system.

Mr. President-elect, Americans want you to succeed. America is the land of opportunity and freedom. As the Governor of Nebraska, if I can be of assistance, please let me know. Thank you for your time and good luck.

Governor Dave Heineman
