Issue Position: Combating Voter Fraud in Iowa

Issue Position

Issues: Elections

We are witnessing an all-out assault on the integrity of our elections. The culmination was Governor Culver signing the same-day registration bill last year. Democrats had no purpose in mind other than to muddy and confuse the outcomes of elections. Even with evidence of fraud in Iowa's elections, they have moved farther away from ensuring only eligible voters' ballots are counted. You will never see a Democrat majority repeal same-day voter registration, despite the guarantee and inevitable proof of fraud, because it helps their margin on Election Day. Compound this danger with the most inaccurate voting rolls in our history and we have a disaster of an election in the making.

Consequences of Same Day Registration

* "New" voters will be registered in multiple jurisdictions at the same time

* County auditors on Election Day will be unable to sort these voters out and check their legality.

* The amount of times they vote will be equal to the speed at which they can drive to other precincts!

Action Items

Voter fraud is an issue Republicans must highlight to all Iowans. Honest voters need to know fraud can cancel their votes out in November.

* Demand clean voting rolls.

* All candidates must pledge to support photo ID requirements,
registrations and voting in English, a verifiable paper trail, and the repeal of same-day registration.

* The Republican Party in each county needs to organize at the precinct level.

* We must identify and report fraudulent votes and practices BEFORE they are counted.
