Issue Position: Foreign Policy and Iraq

Issue Position

Issue Position: Foreign Policy and Iraq

"A Leader on Foreign Policy"

Throughout his years in Congress, David has been a respected voice on foreign policy. He was aggressive and outspoken in his opposition to the Bush administration's invasion of Iraq, and he has continued to push for a strategy to end our military involvement in Iraq while calling for sounder management of the war. He is deeply involved in efforts to resolve the persisting conflicts in the Middle East, and he is also working with elected leaders throughout the world to strengthen and promote democratic governments.


Getting our Priorities Right

David strongly supports the relentless pursuit of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. He believes the Bush Administration's poorly planned and costly efforts in Iraq have diverted critical assets at the expense of operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He was opposed to the President's decision to invade Iraq for this very reason. And he is demanding a responsible exit strategy in order to re-tool our military and intelligence agencies for the fight against global terrorism.

Restoring America's Moral Leadership

America's moral leadership has been gravely damaged by the way the Administration has conducted its defense policies. David believes that stopping active terrorists is a critical challenge, but preventing the development of new generations of terrorists is, in the long run, equally important. When we fight terrorism with arbitrary detention without recourse, engage in the torture of detainees, and fail to restrain or bring to justice armed private contractors, we alienate our allies and create more extremists and ill will toward America. This makes our nation less secure, and David is fighting to reverse these short-sighted and dangerous policies.

Offering an Alternative to a Failed Approach in Iraq

In addition to opposing the President's request for open-ended authority to go to war, David also helped to secure 155 votes for an alternative resolution to require more intensified weapons inspections and to mandate another vote of Congress prior to considering military action. While the President's approach to Iraq has failed to make our country safer and presents no strategy to end our costly military involvement, David has offered a plan to require a near-term withdrawal of our troops from Iraq in accordance with a clear exit strategy. He believes that until we signal that our involvement in Iraq's affairs is drawing to a close, Iraqi leaders will not make the necessary compromises to provide for their own security and effective governance. David has also proposed that a sound exit strategy be coupled with a surge of diplomatic activity to spur political progress and reconciliation within Iraq, engage Iraq's neighbors in working for stability in Iraq, and solicit more involvement by the international community.

Reining in Hired Guns and Intelligence Contractors

David was among the first members of Congress to call attention to the unprecedented use of private contractors who perform military functions in Iraq and Afghanistan. He introduced and achieved House passage of legislation to ensure that all contractors working for the US government in a war zone can be brought to justice for criminal misconduct. His bill would also place investigators in the war zone to immediately collect evidence and initiate prosecutions where warranted. He also believes that the interrogations of prisoners and detainees should not be contracted out to private firms, adding amendments to end the practice by the military and the CIA to their authorizing bills.

Helping to Strengthen Emerging Democracies

Three years ago, David initiated the establishment of the House Democracy Assistance Commission (HDAC). He now serves as chairman of the Commission, which works with emerging and re-emerging democracies around the world to build effective and responsive legislative institutions. Partner parliaments include Indonesia, Kenya, Georgia, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Liberia, and Haiti.

Working for Middle East Peace

A peaceful, democratic Middle East is critical to the national security of the United States, and David has consistently advocated the negotiation of a just and lasting peace between Israel and her neighbors. He has made repeated visits to the region, conferring with heads of state and others capable of influencing the peace process. He understands the indispensability of U.S. leadership and has pressed the Bush Administration to follow through on its commitment to a secure peace and an end to the violence in this strategically important region.
