Issue Position: Immigration

Issue Position

Issue Position: Immigration

Our immigration system is in a crisis. I do not support amnesty. I do support civility in the immigration discussion. Too often the debate is clouded by inflammatory rhetoric which hinders true immigration reform.

First, we need to ensure our borders are protected and secure. Since the mid nineties, yearly arrivals of undocumented immigrants have exceeded arrivals of legal immigrants. Our current border protections are overwhelmed and under-equipped to stem the tide of illegal immigration. We need to know who and what is coming into our country. I support increased funding for border security efforts.

Second, we need to recognize that there are industries in Colorado, agriculture and the dairy industries for example, which rely on migrant help. We need to have a visa system in place to make sure that these industries can get the workers they need legally so that our crops are not dying on the vine.

Third, we need strong and workable employer verification programs to equip employers with the means to verify the status of their employees. If employers knowingly hire workers who are here illegally, they should be fined.
