Issue Position: Veteran's Benefits

Issue Position

Issue Position: Veteran's Benefits

As a veteran and an officer currently serving in the U.S. Navy Reserve, I know full well the need for better and more comprehensive benefits for veterans. I believe that veterans have earned their benefits through the hardships they have faced. I have introduced legislation that would lower veterans' income taxes by 2% and would improve the GI Bill for Guard and Reserve members.

I am an original Cosponsor of H.R.2514 this piece of legislation will make the VA budget a mandatory budget item. I have met with many groups and individuals to get their feelings concerning this matter and express my own. I will continue to be a driving force in this fight.

I also believe that we need to do more to treat PTSD among returning soldiers to ensure that the transition from soldier back to civilian is a smooth one. I believe that veterans should not have to pay more money for their health care coverage. I strongly oppose any hike in Tri Care fees. I will always support both our troops in combat and our military families and veterans here at home.

I have cosponsored H.R. 303, H.R. 675, and H.R. 2239, which expand disability compensation and rehabilitation benefits from the Department of Veterans' Affairs. I have also cosponsored H.R. 463, H.R. 1944, and H.R. 2005, which expand veteran access to the VA health care system, and H.R. 1197, which provides improved benefits for veterans who are former prisoners of war.
