Anchorage Daily News - Begich Bade Chief Monegan Fond Farewell from City Post


Date: July 22, 2008

Anchorage Daily News - Begich Bade Chief Monegan Fond Farewell from City Post

In response to Daily News comments about Chief Walt Monegan's departure from the Begich administration, mayoral spokesman David Ramseur provided the following in an e-mail Monday:

"The circumstances of Chief Monegan's departure from the city were far different than his recent departure from the state. About the time Mayor Begich got re-elected in 2006, Monegan said he was going to retire within months — he wasn't too specific. The mayor wanted to make changes at the department — both staffing and policy — so he asked Walt to retire on the mayor's timetable, a little early. Begich preferred no change in chief with only two years or less to go in his term. There also was a long transition, with the Deputy Police Chief Rob Heun named incoming chief and Monegan still on the job to help train him."

"The city had a large going-away party for Chief Monegan and commended him for a job well done."

Here is an excerpt of the remarks Mayor Mark Begich delivered at Chief Monegan's retirement, Sept. 28, 2006:

On behalf of the citizens of this community, thank you for devoting more than three decades of your life to making Anchorage a better place.

As I noted, your career at APD certainly has been distinguished.

Working in every division and almost every unit of the department, you learned, inspired, and led others all along the way.

I was pleased in July of 2003, when I first took office, to re-appoint you as chief.

You led us and the department through my first term in your calm, steadfast way.

You helped write and implement APD's first-ever strategic plan. And the department, under your leadership, has made great strides with that plan.

People often refer to the "healing touch" you provide so well when needed.

It's real, and I've experienced it myself many times.

To every conversation and meeting, you bring thoughtful ideas, enthusiasm and the ability to bring many viewpoints to a common solution.

As police chief, you have been able to lead more than 500 employees during the past five-plus years as our city has experienced many changes and challenges.

I feel fortunate as mayor to have had you as an adviser and partner in managing both the internal and external components of our city and its government.

Thank you, again, for your leadership and commitment to Anchorage and to public service … Chief — you have my respect and my best wishes.

Good luck and Godspeed.
