Issue Position: Medicare

Issue Position

Issue Position: Medicare

I will discuss Health Care elsewhere in this web site. But here I would like to focus on Medicare, Medicaid, and Prescription Drugs. Why do I object to these programs? After all, don't they help the elderly and poor?

Like all government programs first and foremost they involve robbing at gunpoint citizens to turn around and give to others (redistributing wealth). But government always takes a hefty cut of the loot before any ever gets to the supposed intended recipients.

Two, there is no incentive to ever control costs of the process, because government can always steal more taxes. So costs go up. Government adds regulations, and costs go up further.

Government programs always try to control every aspect that falls under the view of the administrators of that government program. There is always only one way with the government, the government way. All other ways are illegal, prohibited, fined and crushed. Monopoly is the name of the game, so you must come to government for a former free market need.

In the end the process, not the product, is the only thing of importance to the government. Actual results do not mean anything, only intent and control.

What this means for Medicare was the capture of health care, an enormous chunk of the economy placed under fascist control. The government line is that escalating costs were not because of government monopoly (and therefore, lack of competition), but because of lack of government regulation.

When government regulations exacerbate the costs, the solution is more government regulation. Until finally government becomes the sole provider.

Then when this fails, government rations, because there is only so much of commodity "X" that the government controls. Government OAFicials and the well connected get all of "X" they could want; you get to divide up the rest.

In the end, Medicare will fail. Medicaid will fail. Free Prescription Drugs will fail. Because the costs are unacceptably high for the taxpayers to bear, and the government product will be crappy (can you say Soviet Union). When that collapse occurs, pray you are neither very old, nor in need of health care, because the next few years will be a transition from government medicine to the free market. Whether this occurs by popular acclaim or at the point of a gun is hard to say.

Regrettably, the politicians responsible for this vote buying scheme of cradle to grave security will probably die peacefully in their beds at a rather comfortable and healthy old age, rather than soon dangling at the end of a short rope.
