A Policy of ``No'' is Not Working

Date: June 4, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Energy

A POLICY OF ``NO'' IS NOT WORKING -- (House of Representatives - June 04, 2008)

(Mr. NEUGEBAUER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Madam Speaker, it's not working. The policy of ``no'' to producing America's resources is not working for the American people. Today, America will write a check for $1 billion to buy enough energy to run our economy for one day. Let me repeat that. Today, America will write a check for $1 billion to run our economy for one day. That means for the year, it takes $365 billion to export to other countries that have said ``yes'' to developing their resources.

Think about what we could do with $1 billion if we invested that in developing American resources; the jobs that it would create, the fact it would make America more independent and less dependent on those other countries.

The policy of ``no'' is not working. We need to say ``yes'' to producing more of America's resources; ``yes'' to drilling in areas where we have found abundant resources; ``yes'' to using a 250-year supply of coal; ``yes'' to building new nuclear power plants; ``yes'' to developing America's resources, reinvesting in America.

Madam Speaker, I ask you to bring legislation to the floor that will help America build a stronger energy independence.
