CBS "Early Show" - Transcript


Date: April 22, 2008

CBS "Early Show"

MR. SMITH: I had the chance to sit down and talk with Senator Hillary Clinton in Scranton yesterday, and I asked her what she needs exactly from today's results.

(Begin videotaped segment.)

SEN. CLINTON: I don't have to have anything except to win, because look at this --

MR. SMITH: Just a win?

SEN. CLINTON: A win, because if Senator Obama, with all the money he is spending, far outspending me, and, frankly, a lot of negativity coming from his campaign --

MR. SMITH: None from you.

SEN. CLINTON: Well, I'm not running around saying that I'm the world's most positive human being. I'm running around saying I'm a problem-solver. You know, his whole campaign is about a different kind of politics, a new politics. And on the stump and in his campaign, it's been relentlessly negative for the last week, probably because of the debate.

Well, he has to demonstrate he can win a big state, a big state that Democrats need to win in order to achieve the presidency. The road to Pennsylvania Avenue for a Democrat goes right through Pennsylvania. So I think the burden is on him to see how he does tomorrow.

MR. SMITH: Your basic view about this election is say anything, do anything, special-interest-driven, elect her because she's been in Washington longer and knows how to play the game.

SEN. CLINTON: (Laughs.) Yeah, I've heard him say that quite a bit. Now, hmm, sounds a little negative to me. (Laughs.) Look, he has every right to say whatever he's going to say in his campaign. But I don't think that's what people want to hear. What people want to hear --

MR. SMITH: But the argument is status quo versus something else.

SEN. CLINTON: Well, but, you know, I represent the most significant change you could have -- a woman president. This is earth-shaking.

MR. SMITH: You enjoy this. You enjoy the tussle. You enjoy the rough and tumble of the everyday of this.

SEN. CLINTON: Harry, this country is worth fighting for. If I didn't believe I would be the best president and if I didn't believe I would be the better nominee to defeat John McCain, I shouldn't be sitting here talking to you. I believe that with all my heart.

I also believe we're not going to get the kind of changes we need in Washington by hoping for it, by saying we're going to bring people together. You know, I think experience does count for something. And I believe that my unique experience on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue will serve Pennsylvania voters well if they vote for me tomorrow.
