Avoid Military Confrontation with Iran

Date: March 13, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

AVOID MILITARY CONFRONTATION WITH IRAN -- (House of Representatives - March 13, 2008)

(Mr. McDERMOTT asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. McDERMOTT. Madam Speaker, any voice of reason inside the current administration is a voice in the wilderness, a voice that will be silenced by the President, all of which should be a matter of grave urgency for the American people.

The administration has set its sights on military confrontation with Iran. Just like Iraq, any voice of reason will not be merely muffled; it will be silenced.

Remember Colin Powell? Where is he? Remember General Shinseki? He was drummed out for speaking truth to power about what it would really take to win in Iraq.

Now Admiral Fallon, the Secretary of Defense, wouldn't return phone calls until the Admiral got the message to turn in his resignation because he questioned the President's policy toward Iran.

The President's foreign policy is open hostility and a finger on the trigger looking for any provocation for a military strike against Iran. That's what the neocons want; that's what co-President DICK CHENEY wants.

Their thirst for oil is matched only by their thirst for war. They think the U.S. will dominate the world with military confrontation. They are the only ones who believe that. We must keep the pressure on to ensure the President does not launch another war. Four thousand have already died.

That's enough.
