
Date: Dec. 5, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

IRAQ -- (House of Representatives - December 05, 2007)

[Page: H14163] GPO's PDF


(Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. KINGSTON. Madam Speaker, back in January, a number of Members of the House voted against a surge in Iraq which the President had promoted. Well, although that vote passed the House, it failed in the Senate, and we know the surge did take place and the surge has paid off. Civilian casualties in Iraq are down 20 percent; 75 percent in Baghdad. IED attacks are down by 50 percent, and we've nearly doubled the number of weapon caches that have been discovered this year from last year. Lots of good progress has been made.

And I don't blame the folks who are against Iraq for pushing the bill back in January that they did. I believe that there's plenty of room for honest disagreement on this war. But at the same time, here we are now and we need to continue funding for that war. There is a $50 billion bridge fund. The President actually has asked Congress for $196 billion, but Congress has indicated $50 billion is all that we're willing to go at this point. But then there are some stipulations, some micromanagement of the war.

I hope that we can have this bill on the floor of the House and have an honest debate on it and keep the spirit of agreeing to disagree agreeably.
