Know Who Works at O'Hare

Date: Nov. 14, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

KNOW WHO WORKS AT O'HARE -- (House of Representatives - November 14, 2007)

[Page: H13864]


(Mr. KIRK asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. KIRK. Madam Speaker, you do not need a valid Social Security number to get a job at America's busiest airport. Recently, Federal inspectors reported that screeners at O'Hare Airport also missed 60 percent of all bomb test kits designed to test the screeners. The Justice Department then found three dozen illegal aliens using expired airport security badges. Authorities had no idea who the real identity was of workers with direct access to civil aircraft. This is not the way to run America's busiest airport.

Later today, Representatives ROSKAM, BIGGERT, and I will introduce legislation creating Federal security zones where only badged and approved United States citizens can work next to an aircraft. Everyone at the airport Federal security zone will have a background check and have a valid, real Social Security number.

You would think the Transportation Security Agency would know who is working at American airports. Our bill would help implement that commonsense solution.
