Kids in Disasters Well-Being, Safety, and Health Act of 2007

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 6, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

KIDS IN DISASTERS WELL-BEING, SAFETY, AND HEALTH ACT OF 2007 -- (House of Representatives - November 06, 2007)


Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, H.R. 3495, introduced by the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. Corrine Brown), creates a National Commission on Children and Disasters. First, I thank Chairman Oberstar and Chairwoman Norton for working with us to improve this legislation. I believe our bipartisan efforts were necessary to ensure a fair and balanced commission. I think it has resulted in a much better legislative product.

Mr. Speaker, H.R. 3495 establishes a 10-member commission to examine the needs of children and disasters. The commission is directed to report its findings and conclusions and recommendations to the President and the Congress, as Chairwoman Norton pointed out.

The bill specifically directs the commission to build upon the investigations of other entities to avoid an unnecessary duplication of effort. For example, last Congress the House created the Select Committee to Investigate Hurricane Katrina. Former Subcommittee Chairman Bill Shuster served on the select committee.

In its final report, the select committee made a number of findings with respect to children. In response to this report, we passed the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act, which included provisions creating a national emergency child locator center and a national emergency family registry and locator center.

Finally, H.R. 3495 requires both State emergency managers and local emergency managers to be represented on the commission. This requirement ensures the representation on the commission of the people who may very well be responsible for implementing its recommendations.

Mr. Speaker, I support this legislation. I encourage my colleagues to do the same.

