Children's Health And Medicare Protection Act Of 2007

Floor Speech

Date: Aug. 1, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

CHILDREN'S HEALTH AND MEDICARE PROTECTION ACT OF 2007 -- (House of Representatives - August 01, 2007)


Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, I support the original intent of SCHIP to cover our low-income children at 200 percent of the Federal poverty level; yet the bill before us really strays from that, and we all know it.

And we're debating this under a lockdown rule because the Rules Committee refused to allow Republican amendments to this bill, and I will tell you, I found that 1 a.m. meeting for the Rules Committee informative and entertaining in an unfortunate sense.

The debate on this, as my colleague said, is pretty simple: Who will manage and control the health care sector that comprises one-seventh of our Nation's economy. That's what this is about today. Are individual Americans going to have the freedom to make those choices or are those Americans going to be relegated to being a faceless file on a bureaucrat's desk with that bureaucrat making those life-and-death decisions? Our future health care system is going to be shaped by the way we answer those questions on this floor today.

Under this Democrat bill, there will be billions spent to enroll children into SCHIP.

I encourage my colleagues to oppose this bill.

