Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008

Floor Speech

Date: May 9, 2007
Location: Washington, DC



Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

I rise today to offer an amendment to the Department of Homeland Security
bill which would establish in statute, a FEMA Office of Long-Term Recovery in Florida for a period of no less than 3 years.

FEMA initially opened an Office of Long-Term Recovery in Florida following the devastating 2004 hurricane season, which left my home State in peril following the landfall of four Category 3 or greater hurricanes. The results have been incredible, and it hasn't only been residents of my State who benefited from the work that FEMA is doing in Florida and elsewhere.

Since it was created, the office has reduced response times to disasters and helped to mitigate the impact of future storms.

In the first months of the office's existence, FEMA officials were successful in more than doubling public assistance reimbursements from $1 billion to $2 billion. Moreover, the full-time recovery staff, well versed in State and Federal and local policies, was able to rectify the mistakes made by previous emergency management teams.

The permanencies of the staff and the relationships they have cultivated with local governments, nonprofits, communities and Federal officials have reduced FEMA's response time to disasters, saving taxpayers' dollars and lives, while reducing confusion.

From this office, more mitigation funds have gone out to recipients than ever before in FEMA's history. The office also closed down two large-scale housing missions, something never accomplished in all of FEMA's history. Florida's Office of Long-Term Recovery has made FEMA more of a customer-oriented business, where citizens and government alike are better served by more responsive managing.

Congress has already established long-term recovery offices in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Texas, and rightly so. It would be appropriate that we officially establish a similar one in Florida to serve the State and region. Footnote there, there is a storm off the east coast that has now been named, which is indicative of the fact that we can expect not only Florida but the areas mentioned to continue to have this problem. It is the eve of hurricane season; and the House, acting today, could not be more timely.

Before I conclude, I want to thank the chairman and ranking member of the Homeland Security Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee. I would like to especially thank, personally, Mr. Thompson of Mississippi and Mr. Oberstar and my good friend from New York (Mr. King) and Mr. Mica for their help on this amendment. They all know the great benefit that this office provides for the State of Florida and the entire region, and I ask for my colleagues' support.

Mr. Chairman, I reserve the balance of my time.

