Pence Addresses Nation March for Life Rally

Date: Jan. 22, 2007
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Women Abortion


U.S. Congressman Mike Pence spoke at the National March For Life rally today, urging attendees to fight for the sanctity of life. His remarks follow:

"It is the 22nd of January again. On this cold anniversary of the worst Supreme Court decision since Dred Scott, all across this land, because of the prayers and compassion of every one of you, springtime is breaking forth in the battle between choice and life.

"Although the abortion movement is gathering strength in this city of compromise, Washington, DC is the only city in America where life is losing.

"In the quiet counsels between mothers and daughters, and sisters and friends, the truth about abortion is being told, young women are being warned and life is winning in America.

"Despite the best efforts of the abortion rights movement, 34 years since Roe v. Wade, more Americans embrace the sanctity of life than ever before.

"Life may be losing in Washington, DC, but life is winning in America.

"In big cities and small towns, American women are listening and learning.

"It is not a choice , it's a baby. And American women are choosing life as never before.

"Everyday, every hour, compassion is overcoming convenience . Life is defeating despair and hope a lifetime of regret.

"To you who labor in the cause of life I say, 'Press on, our nation is moved and heaven smiles. Your labors on behalf of the unborn are not in vain.'

"To you who look on and wonder what all the fuss is about I say, 'before you choose, listen for the truth, search your hearts and know that help is just a phone call to a crisis pregnancy center away.'

"To you who have been victimized by the laws and mores of a nation that convinced you to make the wrong choice I say, 'join us in this cause…grace and compassion await you in a movement that most cherishes our wounded leaders.'

"To our opponents, Americans all, who remain fixed in their determination to see this harvest continue, I say, 'the time of your ascendancy in the law is coming to an end.'

"Soon even Washington will acknowledge what America knows. And the laws of this land will answer the call of every unborn heart and say with our founders: 'We choose liberty, the pursuit of happiness and the unalienable right to life.'

"May God bless each of you and the families and churches that gather here with the abiding knowledge that you are making a difference.

"Life is winning in America."
