Rockefeller Reaction to Baker/Hamilton Iraq Study Group Report

Date: Dec. 6, 2006


"The recommendations in today's bipartisan report make it strikingly clear that ‘staying the course' is no longer an option.

"The report represents the first step toward changing the dialogue and achieving a policy that reflects reality and not rhetoric.

"While the report is not the definitive answer or end-point, it does offer the possibility of a new beginning - a turning point.

"The one thing we need to be very clear about is, time is not on our side. The window of opportunity to try and turn things around in Iraq is closing. Whatever decisions are made, it must be done with a sense of urgency.

"I believe our best chance of success requires turning the country back over to the Iraqis on a timetable that is as quick, safe and practical as possible. After 3 ½ years of occupation, our troop presence is fundamentally inflaming the problem, and we need to acknowledge that.

"We also must carefully understand what the motivations are of surrounding countries and the warring groups in Iraq -- both in the short- and long-term. This is one of the many areas that the Intelligence Committee will be focused on in the coming weeks.

"The panel also correctly points to the shortcomings in human intelligence, language skills, and analytical resources. This is something we have been pushing the Intelligence Community to address for several years, and I will be looking closely at the recommendations to determine if there is any way for Congress to assist the Intelligence Community in correcting these deficiencies.

"Finally, I know there is great concern that the situation in Iraq will worsen if we leave. At this point, we must recognize that there are no good options. However, I believe our best option is to initiate a phased withdrawal which will accomplish several important things. It will remove a significant lighting rod, the U.S. occupation, which outside groups like al Qaeda have used to justify their violence. It will encourage neighboring countries to act in their own self-interest to contain the violence. And, most importantly, it will force the Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future."
