Private Property Rights Implementation Act of 2006

By: Sam Farr
By: Sam Farr
Date: Sept. 29, 2006
Location: Washington, DC

PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS IMPLEMENTATION ACT OF 2006 -- (House of Representatives - September 29, 2006)


Mr. FARR. I thank the gentleman for yielding.

Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to the bill. I represent some beautiful communities in California: Carmel, many of you know, Pebble Beach, Santa Cruz, communities that have built their aesthetics around regulation. And I sat as a county board of supervisor having to manage these recollections.

The author of the bill is right. We have eminent domain. When there is taking, you get compensated. What his bill is about is protecting developers at the expense of property owners. This is going to decrease property values. Decrease property values.

Because you get them to pay for every kind of regulation. Now, all of us know that when you get a benefit, you do it with a responsibility. You get a driver's license, but that does not allow you to drive over 65 miles an hour. In this case, you would have to pay someone, because they bought a car that can go 100 miles an hour, you have to pay them the difference between 65 and 100.

That is what this kind of bill is about. What is the taking? Is it requiring that the trees be left standing? Is it required to have a little bit of a setback? This bill injures property values and should be defeated.

