Bohemian Club Rules

The Taliban was a grouping of about 1000 Muslim religious fundamentalist clerics who have ruled Afghanistan until a few months ago. Their military enforcers were also called Taliban. Most people are not aware that the U.S. also has a ruling group which meets each summer in Bohemian Grove, California, for a couple of weeks. They are called the Bohemian Club. This is a grouping of about 2500 members, all male, 99% white, all connected to the very rich. They effectively rule the White House, Congress and the judiciary. Every Republican president since Herbert Hoover has been a member, and quite a few Democrats too. George W. Bush belongs, just like his father George, and his grandfather Prescott Bush.
The heads of IBM, DuPont, General Electric, Bank of America and the World Bank have also been members. About 20% of the members are directors of one or more Fortune 1000 companies, corporate CEOs, current and former top government officials, members of important policy councils and major foundations. The Manhattan Project to create an atomic bomb was agreed on during a supersecret meeting in 1942 at Bohemian Grove, California, where the grouping meets annually. Year after year, executives from major military contractors, oil companies, banks, utilities and the national media come to "network' at this mid-summer encampment. Past invited speakers include Alexander Haig, Casper Weinberger, Henry Kissinger, etc. Other prominent members: George Schultz, Stephen Bechtel, Gerald Ford, William Buckley, Fred Hartley, Merv Griffin, Joseph Coors, Edward Teller, William French Smith, John Swearingen, Justin Dart, and William Simon. Prospective members face an interrogation that, according to one club man, would satisfy the KGB. There is a waiting list of 1500 notables, all eager to pay $2500 initiation fee and $600 yearly dues. The Bohemian Club members make U.S. foreign, domestic and military policy, not the American voter, and is thus the U.S. Taliban.
