Regarding Democrats

Peter Cameo in "the Avocado Declaration" wrtes that the purpose of the Democratic Party is to coopt and stiffle every mass movement foe human progress.And Carolyn is a perfect example. The Avocado Declaration

She and Obohowski led Vermont's southern liberal Democrats to cut off the anti-nuke movement at the knees. The battle over the uprate and license extension would have ended a year ago, and the anti-nuke movement would have won if it hadn't been for the majority in the Legislature, House and Senate.Democrats.

Just as VP Cheney went into the back room with the fossil fuel energy lobby, so liberal Democrat Peter Welch went into the back room with Entergy, (locking out Steve Darrow,)and sold the Anti-nuke movement out by giving Entergy dry caask storage, without which the uprate and license extension would have become dead issues. And the House and Senate Liberal Democrats, led by Partridge, accepted Welch's deal and sqWelched the gains the anti-nuke movement had made.
There is no such thing as a good Democrat, unless one means by "good," a Step-and-Fetchit for Capitalism.

Comadely, Peter
