Sen. Jeffords' Statement on Military Commissions

Sen. Jeffords' Statement on Military Commissions

Statement of Senator Jim Jeffords, I-Vt.
S. 3930, Military Commissions Bill

"I am greatly saddened by the Senate's actions today. By passing this bill, we are backing away from some of our country's most fundamental founding principles, such as the right to contest one's detention. We must not allow fear of an enemy to overwhelm our better judgment and rush headlong, without due process and consideration, to restrict basic constitutional rights."

"I opposed this bill because it has an expansive definition of an enemy combatant that allows for indefinite detention; it removes the right of judicial review for those who have been detained; it would legalize the use of coerced and /or secret evidence; it unacceptably redefines torture, and it damages the Geneva Conventions by allowing the President to decide what is permissible treatment. I believe future generations will look back on this bill's passage much the same way as we now look back on the Supreme Court's regrettable decision that allowed for the detention of Japanese-Americans. Unfortunately, we have not learned from our past mistakes."
