Remembering The Fallen In Iraq

Date: Sept. 6, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

REMEMBERING THE FALLEN IN IRAQ -- (House of Representatives - September 06, 2006)

(Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I just want a moment in reflection of those that we lost on the front lines of Iraq and Afghanistan in the absence of this Congress. I believe we owe them not only a debt of gratitude, but also an apology.

It is time now for there to be a defined strategy by this administration to return our soldiers home, those who have been deployed once, two times, three times, and to have an orderly redeployment as soon as possible.

I will not accept the condemnation that Democrats do not understand the war on terror, nor will I accept the condemnation that we are not patriotic or respect our soldiers, for we know a civil war when we see it. We know bloodshed when we see it. We know a wrong policy when we see it. We know a failed Secretary of Defense when we see it.

Might I just say for those of us who traveled across the country on immigration hearings, there was much more testimony than undocuments create a criminal situation in America. Undocuments are families and children who are basically seeking an opportunity.

Democrats want border security. We want comprehensive immigration reform. We are not here to condemn and suggest that those children are the basis of crime in America.
