Issue Position: Legislative Priority

Issue Position

Everyone's priority is for change….but what will they change? I will form an Amendment enabling Congress to end U.S. wars. Military soldiers will be able to decline leaving the U.S. for foreign countries. I will decrease taxes, streamline spending on a surplus not a deficit. I will force drugs to be more affordable by easing drug regulations and having time-honored harmless drugs redistributed as over-the-counter. Income Tax will be ended, Criminal Justice and Prisons overhauled for economical rehabilitation, Education will be privatized, Eminent Domain abuses curbed, Gun Laws Constitutionalized, Party Fund Matching will be stopped, Marijuana legalized for adults, and Election Day declared a National Holiday. One specific change I am often asked about -- Why do I not believe in a welfare status? I would never say Never….yet Never is better. Government exists to protect the civilization. When Government feeds the community it creates a lethargic and corrupt state of affairs. Welfare encourages votes for a bigger meal on the table rather than aspirations for family and parental responsibility. Of course, this is all trivial and petty compared to Americans being involved in a problematic war.
