Woolsey Blasts Majority "Cheap Stunt" on Gay Marriage

Date: July 18, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Marriage

Woolsey Blasts Majority "Cheap Stunt" on Gay Marriage

- A longtime advocate of ensuring equal rights for all Americans, Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey today expressed her strong opposition to the Republican led Marriage Protection Amendment, a bill that would do nothing else than discriminate against consenting adults.

"This so-called Marriage Protection Amendment isn't about trying to reduce the divorce rate or help married couples work through problems. This bill is about keeping two adults from being able to make a lifelong commitment to each other," Woolsey said on the floor of the U.S. House. "I just don't understand how two people wanting to be in a committed relationship is a bad thing. With everything that is happening in the world, it seems like that should be the least of our worries."

Although a similar amendment recently failed in the Senate, with the mid-term elections close at hand, the House Republicans introduced the legislation in order to reach out the right wing of their party. The amendment, as expected, fell well short of receiving the required 2/3 needed in order to pass.

"It is time that the majority party quit intruding on our private lives and started working on the issues that really matter to American families," Woolsey said. "The American public wants us to work together to bring our soldiers home from Iraq, address the rising cost of gas, and raise the minimum wage. Faced with such important issues, amending the constitution to decide what we should do in our private lives is nothing more than a cheap stunt."

