Letter to Senate Majority Leader William Frist

Date: July 18, 2006

July 18, 2006

The Honorable William Frist

Majority Leader

United States Senate

The Capitol Building, S-230

Washington, DC 20510



Dear Leader Frist:

Last summer, in the context of your work to bring the FDA Commissioner nomination to the Senate floor over my serious hesitations, we had discussions about also bringing a prescription drug reimportation bill to the Senate floor for a vote. The conclusions of those discussions were clear and precise: We agreed that, should a Senate floor vote on reimportation garner 60 votes or more, you would work in good faith toward a floor debate and vote on a reimportation bill this Congress.

Last week, the Senate finally held a clear, clean floor vote on reimportation—through my amendment to the Homeland Security Appropriations Bill. As you know, my amendment garnered 68 votes, well more than the 60-vote threshold we had established.

In light of our clear understanding, I am eager to work with you and all other interested Senators on scheduling a floor debate and vote on a reimportation bill for this September. I introduced a broad-based, bipartisan bill (S. 109), as have Senators Dorgan and Snowe (S. 334). Other leading Senators have clear thoughts on the subject, including Chairmen Enzi and Gregg. I believe that we can all sit down and agree on a floor process that is both efficient and expeditious, taking up no more than a few days of floor time, and one that ensures fair up-or-down votes on at least the two alternatives noted above as well as a limited number of amendments from Senators, including reimportation opponents.

Thank you for agreeing to meet with me later this week on this request. I very much look forward to working out the details of a constructive path forward pursuant to your commitment to me.


David Vitter

