Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2007

Date: May 17, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Science

CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007 -- (House of Representatives - May 17, 2006)


Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Chairman, I stand in firm opposition to this budget resolution. It is offensive. It is immoral. It does not reflect the true priorities of the American people.

Speaking of priorities, just this week the Health Subcommittee of Energy and Commerce held a hearing on Children's Hospital's graduate medical education. This President's budget proposes cutting this successful program from $297- way down to $99 million. This program enables our Nation's independent children's hospitals to train the next generation of pediatricians, pediatric specialists, pediatric researchers who treat the sickest of our children.

I asked the administration's representative why the President wants to cut funding for children's hospitals, and she responded that this administration will be focusing those funds toward higher priorities.

I must ask, what is a higher priority than sick children? What is a higher priority than investments into life-saving medical research at the NIH, cancer patients waiting for the next clinical trial which will save their life? What is a higher priority than health care for our Nation's veterans coming home today from Iraq with such severe injuries? Judging by yesterday's tax vote, it would seem to be a further higher priority for this Republican Congress to have the wealthiest in our country have a tax cut.

That is what adopting this budget comes down to. I urge my colleagues to reject this budget resolution, the underlying resolution, and prove that you are committed to protecting funding for our Nation's hard-working families. Vote for the Democratic substitute and not for the special interests.

